Factors Behind the Success of Ghorian/ Turkish Invasion.

Factors behind the success of Gauri/ Turkish invasion:
Social Causes:
1- Lack of Unity:-  Rajput lacked unity and organisation and were divided by the rivalries . Every Rajput king had hostile thinking towards the other kings (both Rajputs and non-rajputs). It led to their defeat because Turks found it very easy to defeat them because they were divided into many small-small Kingdoms and they even not united when foreign troops (Turks) attacked on them. Because of this strategy every king and Prince of India had to fought with Turks single handed and it became easy For Turks to defeat them.
2- An attitude of indifference by the lower classes:- Another cause behind the success of Gauri and the defeat of Indians was that the lower caste which was surprised by  the kings all time  thought that conditions will be same for them. It doesn't matter whatever government is occupying the throne and who is the ruler so they did not show any interest against Turks.
3- Absence of a single ruler who could unite politically and economically the Indian states:- When we look at the Gupta and Mauryan rulers they were united the indian states economically and politically. But at the time of Turkish invasion  the condition of Indian states was differ. The Indian states were divided into different parts and their was the absence of a single leader who could unite them politically and economically.
Religious Causes:
1- Division of Indian society:- Indian society was divided into different sects and groups. When we look at the Hinduism, Hinduism was divided mainly in four Varnas and there was the subdivision of these Varnas into caste system. Turks took the advantage of this division. When will look at the Turks  they were united religiously.
2- Unity and equality among Turks:- Indian society was divided into different caste and religion. But when we look at the Turks, Turks were united religiously. They were follower of Islam. There was the equality among the turks socially and they took the advantage of the division of mens in Indian society. Because the position of man in Indian society differs from one to another(according to the birth). But when we look at the Turkish society,  all men was considered as equal. There was no such division as in India society.
3- Turks fought against Indians with a religious zeal:- Turks were follower of Sunny sect of Islam. They fought with Indians with a religious zeal. Turkish soldiers taught that if they succeeded  in war, then they will called Ghazis and if the failed then they will become Martyrs. So they fought with the Indians fully devoted religious feelings.
Military Causes:
1- Standing Army :- Army is the backbone of any Empire. When we look at the Indian Empires, Indian rulers did not maintain any standing army and they were depended on the feudal Lords for the soldiers. Because of this feudal system.There was no hard rules and regulations of the army administration.
                But if, we look at the Turks at the same time Turks maintained​ their standing army and there was rule of governance of military organisation. As, we all know that after the establishment of Delhi Sultanate, Iltutmish which was regarded as the real founder of Delhi Sultanate implemented the system of Iqta,  according to which the country was divided into different Iqtas and they were headed by the Iqtedars.  In return of these they had to provide the Military services. Before the establishment of Delhi Sultanate, the Turkish rulers was aware about the army regulation.
They were also  concerned about the rules regarding the military administration. This was also one of the main factor behind the  success of Turks.
2- Division of Army:- Another important factor which faciliated victory of turks was the division of there army. The turks divided there army into five parts ( Right, Centre, Left, reserve and advanced guard).
     But Indian rulers divided their army, according to the traditional military system. Indians rulers  divided their Army only into three parts (left guard centre guard and right guard). This also faciliated  the victory of Turks.
3- Lack of effective cavalry:- The another important factor which facilieted the victory of Turks was that Indian rulers faced the problem of an effective cavalry. Indians used elephants in war.
                             But when we look at the Turks, They use horses in the war. Horses are  more fast then compared to elephant so their cavalry helped them to a very much extent in their (Turks) victory.
Moral degeneration:-
a). Popularity of tantric philosophy:   
At that time popularity of tantrik philosophy increased and people start thinking that by the tantric mantras, they can find solution of any problem. They considered the Turkish invention as the dark age and they think that , this  is already decided by the God and they could not win against Turks.
b). Cultural degeneration of the people:
            In India, People started  drawing the scenes of sexual acts between men and women. It is symbolic from this, that the cultural degeneration of the people started and because of this cultural degeneration their thoughts also started decreasing(they are not now much worried about country). This factor also serve the purpose of Turks to a great extent.
Other Causes:
        a). As an impact of Buddhism and Jainism the people of India became votaries of Ahimsa and their martial spirit was greatly damp ended.
b). According to professor Smith  ,"Hindu Kings though fully equal to their assailants in courage and contempt of death, were distinctly inferior in the art of war and for that reason lost their Independence"
