Introduction to Cyber Crime
The first recorded cyber crime took place in the year 1820! That is not surprising
considering the fact that the abacus, which is thought to be the earliest form of a
computer, has been around since 3500 B.C. in India, Japan and China. The era of
modern computers, however, began with the analytical engine of Charles Babbage.
In 1820, Joseph-Marie Jacquard, a textile manufacturer in France, produced the
loom. This device allowed the repetition of a series of steps in the weaving of special
fabrics. This resulted in a fear amongst Jacquard's employees that their traditional
employment and livelihood were being threatened. They committed acts of sabotage
to discourage Jacquard from further use of the new technology. This is the first
recorded cyber crime!
Today computers have come a long way, with neural networks and nano-computing
promising to turn every atom in a glass of water into a computer capable of
performing a Billion operations per second.
Cyber crime is an evil having its origin in the growing dependence on computers in
modern life. In a day and age when everything from microwave ovens and
refrigerators to nuclear power plants is being run on computers, cyber crime has
assumed rather sinister implications. Major cyber crimes in the recent past include
the Citibank rip off. US $ 10 million were fraudulently transferred out of the bank and
into a bank account in Switzerland. A Russian hacker group led by Vladimir Kevin, a
renowned hacker, perpetrated the attack. The group compromised the bank's
security systems. Vladimir was allegedly using his office computer at AO Saturn, a
computer firm in St. Petersburg, Russia, to break into Citibank computers. He was
finally arrested on Heathrow airport on his way to Switzerland
Defining Cyber Crime
At the onset, let us satisfactorily define "cyber crime" and differentiate it from
"conventional Crime". 166 Computer crime can involve criminal activities that are
traditional in nature, such as theft, fraud, forgery, defamation and mischief, all of
which are subject to the Indian Penal Code. The abuse of computers has also given
birth to a gamut of new age crimes that are addressed by the Information
Technology Act, 2000.
Defining cyber crimes, as "acts that are punishable by the Information Technology
Act" would be unsuitable as the Indian Penal Code also covers many cyber crimes,
such as email spoofing and cyber defamation, sending threatening emails etc. A
simple yet sturdy definition of cyber crime would be "unlawful acts wherein the
computer is either a tool or a target or both".
Let us examine the acts wherein the computer is a tool for an unlawful act. This kind
of activity usually involves a modification of a conventional crime by using
computers. Some examples are:
Financial crimes
This would include cheating, credit card frauds, money laundering etc. To cite a
recent case, a website offered to sell Alphonso mangoes at a throwaway price.
Distrusting such a transaction, very few people responded to or supplied the website
with their credit card numbers. These people were actually sent the Alphonso
mangoes. The word about this website now spread like wildfire. Thousands of people
from all over the country responded and ordered mangoes by providing their credit
card numbers. The owners of what was later proven to be a bogus website then fled
taking the numerous credit card numbers and proceeded to spend huge amounts of
money much to the chagrin of the card owners.
Cyber pornography
This would include pornographic websites; pornographic magazines produced using
computers (to publish and print the material) and the Internet (to download and
transmit pornographic pictures, photos, writings etc). Recent Indian incidents
revolving around cyber pornography include the Air Force Balbharati School case. A
student of the Air Force Balbharati School, Delhi, was teased by all his classmates for
having a pockmarked face. Tired of the cruel jokes, he decided to get back at his
tormentors. He scanned photographs of his classmates and teachers, morphed them
with nude photographs and put them up on a website that he uploaded on to a free
web hosting service. It was only after the father of one of the class girls featured on
the website objected and lodged a complaint with the police that any action was
In another incident, in Mumbai a Swiss couple would gather slum children and then
would force them to appear for obscene photographs. They would then upload these
photographs to websites specially designed for paedophiles. The Mumbai police
arrested the couple for pornography.
Sale of illegal articles
This would include sale of narcotics, weapons and wildlife etc., by posting information
on websites, auction websites, and bulletin boards or 167 simply by using email
communication. E.g. many of the auction sites even in India are believed to be
selling cocaine in the name of 'honey'.
Online gambling
There are millions of websites; all hosted on servers abroad, that offer online
gambling. In fact, it is believed that many of these websites are actually fronts for
money laundering.
Intellectual Property crimes
These include software piracy, copyright infringement, trademarks violations, theft of
computer source code etc.
Email spoofing
A spoofed email is one that appears to originate from one source but actually has
been sent from another source. E.g. Pooja has an e-mail address Her enemy, Sameer spoofs her e-mail and sends obscene
messages to all her acquaintances. Since the e-mails appear to have originated from
Pooja, her friends could take offence and relationships could be spoiled for life.
Email spoofing can also cause monetary damage. In an American case, a teenager
made millions of dollars by spreading false information about certain companies
whose shares he had short sold. This misinformation was spread by sending spoofed
emails, purportedly from news agencies like Reuters, to share brokers and investors
who were informed that the companies were doing very badly. Even after the truth
came out the values of the shares did not go back to the earlier levels and thousands
of investors lost a lot of money.
Counterfeit currency notes, postage and revenue stamps, mark sheets etc can be
forged using sophisticated computers, printers and scanners. Outside many colleges
across India, one finds touts soliciting the sale of fake mark sheets or even
certificates. These are made using computers, and high quality scanners and
printers. In fact, this has becoming a booming business involving thousands of
Rupees being given to student gangs in exchange for these bogus but authentic
looking certificates.
Cyber Defamation
This occurs when defamation takes place with the help of computers and / or the
Internet. E.g. someone publishes defamatory matter about someone on a website or
sends e-mails containing defamatory information to all of that person's friends.
In a recent occurrence, Surekha (names of people have been changed), a young girl
was about to be married to Suraj. She was really pleased because despite it being an
arranged marriage, she had liked the boy. He had seemed to be open-minded and
pleasant. Then, one day when she met Suraj, he looked worried and even a little
upset. He was not really interested in talking to her. When asked he told her that,
members of his family had been receiving e-mails that contained malicious things
about Surekha's character. Some of them spoke of affairs, which she had had in the
past. He told her 168 that, his parents were justifiably very upset and were also
considering breaking off the engagement. Fortunately, Suraj was able to prevail
upon his parents and the other elders of his house to approach the police instead of
blindly believing what was contained in the mails.
During investigation, it was revealed that the person sending those e-mails was none
other than Surekha's stepfather. He had sent these e-mails so as to break up the
marriage. The girl's marriage would have caused him to lose control of her property
of which he was the guardian till she got married.
Another famous case of cyber defamation occurred in America. All friends and
relatives of a lady were beset with obscene e-mail messages appearing to originate
from her account. These mails were giving the lady in question a bad name among
her friends. The lady was an activist against pornography. In reality, a group of
people displeased with her views and angry with her for opposing them had decided to get back at her by using such underhanded methods. In addition to sending
spoofed obscene e-mails they also put up websites about her, that basically maligned
her character and sent e-mails to her family and friends containing matter defaming
Cyber stalking
The Oxford dictionary defines stalking as "pursuing stealthily". Cyber stalking
involves following a person's movements across the Internet by posting messages
(sometimes threatening) on the bulletin boards frequented by the victim, entering
the chat-rooms frequented by the victim, constantly bombarding the victim with
emails etc.
Frequently Used Cyber Crimes
Unauthorized access to computer systems or networks
This activity is commonly referred to as hacking. The Indian law has however given a
different connotation to the term hacking, so we will not use the term "unauthorized
access" interchangeably with the term "hacking".
Theft of information contained in electronic form
This includes information stored in computer hard disks, removable storage media
Email bombing
Email bombing refers to sending a large number of emails to the victim resulting in
the victim's email account (in case of an individual) or mail servers (in case of a
company or an email service provider) crashing. In one case, a foreigner who had
been residing in Simla, India for almost thirty years wanted to avail of a scheme
introduced by the Simla Housing Board to buy land at lower rates. When he made an
application it was rejected on the grounds that the 169 schemes was available only
for citizens of India. He decided to take his revenge. Consequently he sent thousands
of mails to the Simla Housing Board and repeatedly kept sending e-mails till their
servers crashed.
Data diddling
This kind of an attack involves altering raw data just before it is processed by a
computer and then changing it back after the processing is completed. Electricity
Boards in India have been victims to data diddling programs inserted when private
parties were computerizing their systems.
Salami attacks
These attacks are used for the commission of financial crimes. The key here is to
make the alteration so insignificant that in a single case it would go completely
unnoticed. E.g. a bank employee inserts a program, into the bank's servers, that
deducts a small amount of money (say Rs. 5 a month) from the account of every
customer. No account holder will probably notice this unauthorized debit, but the
bank employee will make a sizable amount of money every month.
To cite an example, an employee of a bank in USA was dismissed from his job.
Disgruntled at having been supposedly mistreated by his employers the man first
introduced a logic bomb into the bank's systems.
Logic bombs are programmes, which are activated on the occurrence of a particular
predefined event. The logic bomb was programmed to take ten cents from all the
accounts in the bank and put them into the account of the person whose name was
alphabetically the last in the bank's rosters. Then he went and opened an account in
the name of Ziegler. The amount being withdrawn from each of the accounts in the
bank was so insignificant that neither any of the account holders nor the bank
officials noticed the fault.
It was brought to their notice when a person by the name of Zygler opened his
account in that bank. He was surprised to find a sizable amount of money being
transferred into his account every Saturday.
Denial of Service attack
This involves flooding a computer resource with more requests than it can handle.
This causes the resource (e.g. a web server) to crash thereby denying authorized
users the service offered by the resource. Another variation to a typical denial of
service attack is known as a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack wherein the
perpetrators are many and are geographically widespread. It is very difficult to
control such attacks. The attack is initiated by sending excessive demands to the
victim's computer(s), exceeding the limit that the victim's servers can support and
making the servers crash. Denial-of-service attacks have had an impressive history
having, in the past, brought down websites like Amazon, CNN, Yahoo and eBay!
Virus / worm attacks
Viruses are programs that attach themselves to a computer or a file and then
circulate themselves to other files and to other computers on a network. They
usually affect the data on a computer, either by altering or deleting it. Worms, unlike
viruses do not need the host to attach themselves to. They merely make functional
copies of themselves and do this repeatedly till they eat up all the available space on
a computer's memory. 170 The VBS_LOVELETTER virus (better known as the Love
Bug or the ILOVEYOU virus) was reportedly written by a Filipino undergraduate.
In May 2000, this deadly virus beat the Melissa virus hollow - it became the world's
most prevalent virus. It struck one in every five personal computers in the world.
When the virus was brought under check the true magnitude of the losses was
incomprehensible. Losses incurred during this virus attack were pegged at US $ 10
The original VBS_LOVELETTER utilized the addresses in Microsoft Outlook and
emailed itself to those addresses. The e-mail, which was sent out, had "ILOVEYOU"
in its subject line. The attachment file was named "LOVE-LETTER-FORYOU. TXT.vbs".
The subject line and those who had some knowledge of viruses, did not notice the
tiny .vbs extension and believed the file to be a text file conquered people wary of
opening e-mail attachments. The message in the e-mail was "kindly check the
attached LOVELETTER coming from me".
Since the initial outbreak over thirty variants of the virus have been developed many
of them following the original by just a few weeks. In addition, the Love Bug also
uses the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) for its propagation. It e-mails itself to users in the
same channel as the infected user. Unlike the Melissa virus this virus does have a
destructive effect. Whereas the Melissa, once installed, merely inserts some text into
the affected documents at a particular instant during the day, VBS_LOVELETTER first
selects certain files and then inserts its own code in lieu of the original data
contained in the file. This way it creates ever-increasing versions of itself. Probably
the world's most famous worm was the Internet worm let loose on the Internet by
Robert Morris sometime in 1988. The Internet was, then, still in its developing years
and this worm, which affected thousands of computers, almost brought its
development to a complete halt. It took a team of experts almost three days to get
rid of the worm and in the meantime many of the computers had to be disconnected
from the network.
Logic bombs
These are event dependent programs. This implies that these programs are created
to do something only when a certain event (known as a trigger event) occurs. E.g.
even some viruses may be termed logic bombs because they lie dormant all through
the year and become active only on a particular date (like the Chernobyl virus).
Trojan attacks
A Trojan as this program is aptly called, is an unauthorized program which functions
from inside what seems to be an authorized program, thereby concealing what it is
actually doing.
There are many simple ways of installing a Trojan in someone's computer. To cite
and example, two friends Rahul and Mukesh (names changed), had a heated
argument over one girl, Radha (name changed) whom they both liked. When the
girl, asked to choose, chose Mukesh over Rahul, Rahul decided to get even. On the
14th of February, he sent Mukesh a spoofed e-card, which appeared to have come
from Radha's mail account. The e-card actually contained a Trojan. As soon as
Mukesh opened the card, the Trojan was installed on his computer. Rahul now had
complete control over Mukesh's computer and proceeded to harass him thoroughly.
Internet time thefts
This connotes the usage by an unauthorized person of the Internet hours paid for by
another person. In a case reported before the enactment of the Information
Technology Act, 2000 Colonel Bajwa, a resident of New Delhi, asked a nearby net
café owner to come and set up his Internet connection. For this purpose, the net café
owner needed to know his username and password. After having set up the
connection he went away with knowing the present username and password. He then
sold this information to another net café. One week later Colonel Bajwa found that
his Internet hours were almost over. Out of the 100 hours that he had bought, 94
hours had been used up within the span of that week. Surprised, he reported the
incident to the Delhi police. The police could not believe that time could be stolen.
They were not aware of the concept of time-theft at all. Colonel Bajwa's report was
rejected. He decided to approach The Times of India, New Delhi. They, in turn
carried a report about the inadequacy of the New Delhi Police in handling cyber
crimes. The Commissioner of Police, Delhi then took the case into his own hands and
the police under his directions raided and arrested the net café owner under the
charge of theft as defined by the Indian Penal Code. The net café owner spent
several weeks locked up in Tihar jail before being granted bail.
Web jacking
This occurs when someone forcefully takes control of a website (by cracking the
password and later changing it). The actual owner of the website does not have any
more control over what appears on that website In a recent incident reported in the
USA the owner of a hobby website for children received an e-mail informing her that
a group of hackers had gained control over her website. They demanded a ransom of
1 million dollars from her. The owner, a schoolteacher, did not take the threat
seriously. She felt that it was just a scare tactic and ignored the e-mail. It was three
days later that she came to know, following many telephone calls from all over the
country, that the hackers had web jacked her website. Subsequently, they had
altered a portion of the website which was entitled 'How to have fun with goldfish'. In
all the places where it had been mentioned, they had replaced the word 'goldfish'
with the word 'piranhas'. Piranhas are tiny but extremely dangerous flesh-eating fish.
Many children had visited the popular website and had believed what the contents of
the website suggested. These unfortunate children followed the instructions, tried to
play with piranhas, which they bought from pet shops, and were very seriously
Theft of computer system
This type of offence involves the theft of a computer, some part(s) of a computer or
a peripheral attached to the computer.
Physically damaging a computer system
This crime is committed by physically damaging a computer or its peripherals
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